Cordlife Brands and Services
Stem Cell Banking

Cord blood is the blood that remains in a baby’s umbilical cord and placenta. It can be collected at birth and cryopreserved so that your child has access to her own stem cells in the event of a health crisis.

Cord lining contains 2 types of cells (mesenchymal stem cells and epithelial cells), which can provide extra protection for you and your child. Cordlife owns an exclusive licence from CellResearch Corporation to market the service.

Cord tissue, in particular Wharton's Jelly, contains one type of stem cells. It can be collected at birth and cryogenically preserved to safeguard your baby and your family's future health.
Pregnancy & Conception

Carrier Screening
Carrier screening, usually done before or during a pregnancy. It is a genetic test used to determine if you carry a gene for certain genetic disorders.

Preimplantation Genetic Screening
A screening test performed to identify chromosomally normal embryos to help patients increase their chances of conceiving a healthy baby.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)
A screening test using whole genome sequencing to analyse cell-free foetal DNA present in maternal blood as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy to detect the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

Newborns & Children

Baby Genetic Screening
A non-invasive screening for chromosomal abnormalities and gene variants connected to more than 200 genetic disorders in babies using cord blood.

Pediatric Vision Screening
A non-invasive screening test for the early detection of potential vision problems in children as young as 6 months old to 6 years old.

Pediatric Ear Screening
A non-invasive screening test for the early detection of potential hearing problems in children.

Newborn Metabolic Screening
A screening test performed to identify more than 100 life-threatening metabolic disorders using a single urine test, without causing any harm or discomfort to your baby.

Genetic Talent Test
A non-invasive genetic test that scientifically assesses a child’s certain innate abilities and personality traits to help parents understand their child’s genetic potential.


Corneal Lenticule Banking
Collected after the patient undergoes a refractive eye surgery using lenticule extraction method, processing, testing, and cryopreservation of corneal lenticules

Gut Microbiome Banking
Similar to egg or stem cell banking, you can cryopreserve your healthy gut microbiome by storing your stool, and have it ready for future restoration of intestinal microbial balance.


L.I.F.E Sprouts
A concept unit established to explore new ways to meet health, wellness and lifestyle needs of our existing clients and prospects, as well as to increase our customer engagement by delivering value at every milestone of their life journey.

Digital Healthcare

Moms Up
A mobile app offering pregnancy as well as parenting resources for moms and moms-to-be in Asia

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